In our hospital, the “Göttlicher Heiland Krankenhaus” Bariatric surgery is performed since 2003. Over the years it became a growing part of our surgical work.
As one of the first hospitals in Austria we started the process of certification as center of excellence for Bariatric and Metabolic surgery in May 2014.
After three years we were able to organize the site inspection. It took place on July 4th, 2017.
Mrs. Gallou visited our hospital and performed the inspection in a very polite but extremely accurate manner. A welcome of the head of our hospital was followed by inspection of the operation theatre, the department of radiology, the intensive care, the outpatient clinic and the surgical ward.
Afterwards Mrs. Gallou performed an accurate control of the case history of elected patients.
We thank Mrs. Gallou for her friendly and qualified visit!
With best regards,
Dr. Brigitte Obermayer