Aim-Requirements - EAC-BS - European Accreditation Council for Bariatric Surgery

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SOE Aim-Requirements

The Surgeon of Excellence (SOE) in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (SOEBMS) program provides to all leading surgeons around the world the opportunity to be certified independently without having to operate in a specific hospital.
More specifically, this program is suitable for surgeons who:
- Perform surgeries at more than one hospital
- Wish to be designated independently from the hospital's designation
The SOEBMS program provides to the surgeon access to the International Bariatric Registry (IBARTM) offering statistical reports of his patients' data both separately (from one hospital), but also accumulated (from 2,3,4 e.t.c hospitals).



- Appropriate certification to perform general surgery.
- Training and experience in gastrointestinal surgery.
- Successful completion of a training course in bariatric surgery.
- Testimonials by mentors (proctors) of satisfactory bariatric surgical ability.
- Careful maintenance of a database of all bariatric cases, including outcomes.
- Commitment to postoperative life-time follow-up of the patients.
- Have performed at least 50 bariatric cases per year.
- Be able to perform revisional surgery.
- Attend bariatric meetings regularly and subscribe to at least one bariatric journal.
- Perform at least 50 bariatric cases per year including a number of revisional cases among them.
- Be involved in the training and the accreditation of less-experienced bariatric surgeons.
- Follow-up for at least 75% of the operated patients.
- The surgeon must affirm that the facility/ies where he/she operates is/are fulfilling IFSO Institutional requirements and is/are willing to participate to a site inspection.


How to apply

Please use our on-line registration system through the EAC-BS registration page in order to apply for the SOEBMS program.

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Contact info

Phone Number
+30 6944 248 825